Tuesday, November 14, 2006

exam jitters

Wombat's exam is scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday, and he confided to me yesterday that he suddenly felt the pressure. That is normal I suppose, after all the hardwork, the review classes and late-night studying, here you are feeling as if you haven't studied a single topic. But come exam day, all things you learned before will come rushing back again. I do hope you'll make it to the top, I believe in you. ;-)

A simple prayer for you, to help you get thru the 2-day exam...

O wise God, I pray that Wombat’s mind be rested, his body energized, and his spirit inspired for the exam he must take tomorrow.

Grant him peace and assurance so that he may do as best as he is able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with his fellow examinees and that he may be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how he feels.

May he be honest and insightful, and be able to give a true record of what he have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.

This I pray thru Christ our Lord Amen...

God Bless...

Monday, November 13, 2006

socialites, starbucks etc etc

I’m done with my 7hour driving lessons at Socialites. I am still a struggling driver, but at least I know now how to step on the gas, how to use the gears (I drove a manual car, hehe) and all that stuff. However, I need to practice more!!! I’ll be doing that next week, in Bukidnon --- yep, I am going home for a week to spend time with my family (and then go home again come Christmas for my last bonding session before I move to Oz).

Starbucks planner…
It’s the time of the year! It’s Starbucks overload for me until I can collect the 21 stickers to have a free planner. I am not really a planner person but what the heck, their planner looks nice and the freebies that went with it is just nice as well, hehe. I’m on my 13th sticker now (the 8 others were courtesy of Lolo Joseph who treated us last Thursday).

I hope I can complete my card and have the planner before the 15th of Dec...

Friday, November 10, 2006

My passion for shoes

I’m a sucker for cute, not so expensive, but definitely good shoes… or should I say sandals. I lost count on how many pairs I had since I started working (and my purchasing power increased so to speak.. ;-)

The latest addition to my sandals collection is this cute brown pair from CMG, my most expensive pair so far, despite the fact that it was sold at 50% discount.

here's a cute fuschia pair from Franceso, a bargain at 70% off the price

bought this black stilleto from Le Donne

I want two pairs, not ONE!!! ;-)

this last one is great buy from the 'ukay" shops at home

I am far from being Imeldific, but buying shoes really perks up my gloomy day. I think I'll be buying one pair from Janylin soon. ;-)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Food, friends and lights

I had a great week-end last week. I went out with my roomies at MoA and ate at La Mesa. The food was delicious, thanks to Bambi who paid for our bill. :-)

1516B Ladies outside La Mesa

Another La Mesa pix

This was taken at Baywalk

"simod" effect :-)

By the way, I started emailing job hunters based in Sydney last week. I got a few rejection letters and a 3 call backs, almost. Three of the headhunters emailed back and said that I should contact them if I am in Sydney already as the jobs advertised are for immediate employment. Well, its a good sign since I have 3 possible job interviews lined up this early. Can't wait for January 2007... :-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sydney or Melbourne

When I was still waiting for my Visa, I was consciously checking out Melbourne. I stayed there for two months in 2005 and I love the place. Maybe it helped that I was there during springtime, weather was manageable (not crazy, have not experienced the ‘four season in one day’ thing), great transportation system, CBD not too crowded, and not mention a very multicultural place.

Now that I got my Visa, I am suddenly having second thoughts in going to Melbourne. Maybe it’s because of the colder winter, availability of jobs and limited friends who settled there. However, I’m also hesitant to go to Sydney because I am not familiar with the place. When I’m browsing for jobs online, I cannot picture how far the place is from the CBD and if it is accessible to public transportation (I can’t afford a car since I’m going there with limited budget). Most of my friends went to Sydney and everyone got a job as soon as they landed. That thought gives me hope that in Sydney I will be employed without a hitch. This alone is telling me that I should go to Sydney, but I am not convinced…

I need to decide soon. I need to buy my ticket. I need to organize my life!!!Well, at least I have enrolled in Driving School, one To Do already done. :-)

Friday, October 06, 2006

What a disappointment

Mood: sad (a complete turn around from yesterday’s happy mood)

When I joined this company last year, I said to myself, that this is by far the best company I’ve been with because of the people. Our team seemed to glue so well, works hard and party even harder --- and I’m not the only one who felt this way.

However, things are not going smoothly these days. There are some (two) people who felt they’ve been neglected, the same people who ‘accused’ me of being biased! And that made me sad for I really strive to be the fair to everyone, to see the best in everyone. But I can only do so much.


I wish I could elaborate more…

I don’t want this negative energy around me. I want to be happy. I am happy. I have my Visa, and that what matters… (but I still feel sad, I really wanted to put an end to this… and I have to wait until Monday since you suddenly went on leave today!).

ps. my brother lost 75K. He has no idea yet who stole that hard-earned money from his safety clutch. Everybody in the room is a suspect, and up to now, no one owned to the deed yet. I did not lectured him anymore on “should have deposited the money in the bank blah blah" since it will not be of help at this point. I just told him I’ll pray for the eventual return (crossing fingers here) of the money. Goodness, how will I borrow money from him now that he lost so much…

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God is Good

I have been meaning to call my CO these past few days just to check on how my application is going. I emailed him/her (don’t know the gender, its difficult to guess based on the name alone) twice, but on both instance, I never really got an answer.

I marked my calendar, counting the days since I submitted my application, highlighting the days after I sent my medicals.

Last Monday, I finally decided to give DIMA a call. However, I soon realized that Monday was a holiday in Adelaide so I postponed the plan until Tuesday (or Wednesday since Im working night shift). I was silently thinking that the visa grant would come on Tuesday so no need for me to call on Wednesday, hehe.

Tuesday pm, I went to the office, checked my business emails and replied to the urgent ones. Before I checked my personal mail, I said a silent prayer… Well, God is Good! My prayers have been answered! My visa grant email is there. It hasn’t sunk in yet but what I know is that God really answer prayers.

The waiting game is over (at least for me). My prayers will now shift to Wombat.

I called home. Talked to my Dad, but before I can say about my good news, he told me that they rushed my Mom to the hospital. She was vomiting and had a severe stomach pain. She had to stay at the hospital tonight. And when I finally got the chance to say my good news, everyone was happy.

I’m so happy.

So many things to do --- transition, preparation, announcement, etc, etc… but these things I welcome with open arms.

Thank you my Lord for the answered prayer. Thank you, the waiting game is finally over.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Waiting Game

“Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are scared, very long for those who lament, very short for those who celebrate. But, for those who love, time is eternity"
(William Shakespeare)

Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count.
(Dr. Robert Anthoney)

When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace.
(Sir John Lubbock)

All things come to him who waits - provided he knows what he is waiting for.
(Woodrow T. Wilson)

I know what I’m waiting for, and I believe it will come… when I least expect it.

Be patient Princess, it’s been 6 months and 16 days only, you haven’t waited that long yet. In God’s perfect time, you will receive it.

And the waiting continues…

Monday, September 25, 2006

Elevator Story 3

Our elevator failed me again, not once but countless times this week.

…going home at 12 midnight/ 1am after a hard day’s work, moving fast enough so that you can still catch that elusive sleep, but, lo and behold --- the elevator is not working at this hour!!! Grrr… I climbed the 90+ steps in the middle of the (dead) night.
…haven’t got enough sleep, woke up late, moved as fast as I could, went to the elevator area, pressed the button – it turned red, yey!!! Waited for a few seconds… red light went out but door not opening tsk..tsk… Pressed it again, it turned red and then nothing. The elevator decided to go on strike, again!!!
…wearing my highest heels to work (or gimmick before work) and only to find out I have to trek the 90+ steps down because the elevator is not working!!!

Reasons why the elevator fails me:
1. Para pumayat ako (its no joke having to use the stairs when you’re at the 7th floor);

2. The 2nd (3rd, 4th , 5th , 6th or 8th ) floor doors are being repainted (why haven’t I seen this done in our floor???);
3. The benz-owner at the 8th floor is keeping the elevator all to himself…
4. Those people at the 2nd floor are too lazy to use the stairs in going up/down… there are too many of them… elevator can’t cope with the number.
5. I really don’t know. Ayoko na mag speculate, basta, di nag wo-work ang elevator naming, waaaaaahhhhhhhhh….

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Me, myself and I

I cry
I laugh
I may look serious
Or smile too much
I am moody
yes, I am
But this is me
its not a sham
...so live with it!


I wanna be a princess.
I am somebody's princess.
I am a Princess! :-)
(wish ko lang)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

same butter fly different hands?

I say not...

these are different butterflies befriending a man's hand. Aren't they cute???

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My Monks

Eto po si Monks...

Bakit Monks? Kasi sabi ng roomies ko, mas mukha daw siyang monkey kesa bear, kaya Monks.
He (eh sa gusto ko na HE ang gender nya eh, ano ba!) keeps me company sa aking munting kwarto. Di sya nag rereklamo pag na-c-crushed to death sya, at higit a lahat, na hu-hug ko sya, hehe.

Yan si Monks...

(naka green din sya, hehe).

Fave pic

This is my fave picture to date. Want to know why? Kasi, the strawberries and icecream concoction is really delicious, as in!!! Want to have another one soon... However, beyond the taste, what made this my fave is the memory the went with this pix... haay. :-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

ewan ko sayo

mood: sad
why: dahil sa walang kwentang bagay na di naman dapat pinapalaki.

Naiinis lang ako kasi naiiyak ako. Bakit kasi di tayo nagkakaintindihan? Ilang beses ko bang sabihin na ayoko ng ganito? Its not even the time of the the month para magpaka senti or maging mainitin ang ulo pero ayun, uuwi na nga lang, hihirit pa.

bakit nga ba di maintindihan ng ibang tao?
na ayaw ko ng tsismis?
na ayaw ko na nahi-highlight?
na ayaw ko pinag uusapan?
ilang beses ko ba dapat sabihin at dapat ipaintindi eto?
once? twice? thrice? or forever???

naiinis na nga ako eh, palagi na lang...

hay naku
ewan ko sayo

mali ako oo, pero sana naman wag mo akong sabihan ng ganyan.

bahala ka
desisyon mo yan

Friday, September 08, 2006

Good or Bad – you decide

I woke up at around 4 pm today after a very good night (day) sleep. I am still a bit sleepy so I lazed around. It was a rather cold afternoon so I decided to sleep until 5pm. At around 5, I woke up, took a bath and started my morning ritual. I had difficulty deciding what to wear since I was not able to get my laundry (and I only have limited slacks to choose from). When I was fully dressed, a heavy rain poured down from heaven (hehe). I didn’t want to go out with that kind of downpour so I decided to stay a bit and watch the evening news.

After 30 minutes, the rain stopped. I went out of the room as fast as I can for fear of another downpour.

As soon as I reached the elevator area, I noticed a paper taped at the door, upon closer look, it was the announcement of the ongoing repair. I have no choice but to use the stairs (remember we are situated at the 7th floor), good thing my legs are no longer aching (from the week-end’s Grotto climb). Upon reaching the gate, I noticed the pool-like water (“baha” in other words), right outside the gate. I moved the gate a little bit and jumped to the other side and continued my walk to the newly renovated street. I even congratulated myself for that little jump (which saved me from getting my feet wet).

I was supposed to go straight to Santillan road but noticed it was also flooded (the street I mean), so I had to go back and walked thru the newly renovated street. I noticed the other side of Pasay Road (near Waltermart) is already filled with (ankle-deep) water. I passed by Pedicab driver who asked me "Makati Square?" for which I ignored since I have no intention of riding the pedicab for just a few minutes/meters walk. As soon as I reached Kamayan (?) I noticed that the surrounding area is flooded.

Oh my God! Where should I walk??? All taxis are taken. I was thinking of riding the jeep to Mantrade but the water near Waltermart is a bit high. I don't want my feet to get wet (with all the kadiri things you can imagine afloat the water). I was still thinking how to go to the office when I noticed an empty pedicab with the driver motioning me to ride. I walked to their area and asked what area is not flooded. They said "there, why, where are you going?". I told them I am bound for Ayala. They mentioned they can transport me to McDo for 30 pesos. I agreed.

All streets we passed by (Santillan area) is really flooded. I even had to keep my feet high to prevent it from getting wet. All of Pasong Tamo is really flooded. I can only think of all the dirty things and virus one can get if ever one decides to brave the street! I have to give it to the driver, he knows how to maneuver the flooded streets like pro. I was dropped near de la Rosa and I gave the driver 50 pesos since it was a difficult drive from Pasay Road.

Luckily, there was no more rain and no more flood in the area near McDo. I went to the office (side tracked a bit at KFC and bought my bfast) and came in early for my 9pm telecon.

Was it a good day? Yes! despite the heavy downpour and the flooded street, i was able to sleep well and not an inch of my feet got wet. I was even very productive at the office. The only downside was that I did not see Wombat. I was hoping he would go to KFC (when I said i was buying food). But its okay, I know he has difficulty getting a ride and he needs to study. :-)

By the way, during the pedicab-ride, I was tempted to bring out my camera and take a couple of shots but I was afraid someone might rob me (thinking of Rochelle's experience). I didn't even texted anyone of my predicament because i don't want people to notice that I have a phone and camera with me, lest I expose myself to the bad motives of some person.

So, I let a very good photo opportunity pass. :-( To compensate, i have this fave photo "pose" to share with you. :-)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A weekend well spent

I went out of town last weekend with a very good friend. It was a tiring, but a fun filled day. Was able to check out the must-see places and of course eat my heart out. Can’t wait to try the donut ice cream here, hehe. Got lots of picture as well.

My body is aching, my legs is hurting but my heart is swelling --- I’m so glad I went out, de-stress my self from work and from thinking of my 2007 plans. I am happy. We are both happy. It was a happy week end. Di ko lang ma expound hehe. Pictures, coming soon...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Birth Date

Your Birthdate: May 14
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

be patient

Di na ako nakakapagblog, mejo busy ako ngayon eh… sa kakahintay ng magandang development sa aking 2007 dream. Minsan, nakakapagod nang mag antay pero dapat be patient talaga. Di ko na lang yan mamamalayan, anjan na. Ang sarap siguro ng feeling na yun, na ang pinaghirapan ko ng matagal ay magkakatotoo na. Sana… haaay… in the meantime trabaho daw muna ako at mejo nahuhumaling na ako sa kakaInternet, hehehe.

Friday, August 11, 2006

alang kwenta

Its 6:50, waiting for the final bell before I’ll rush to the elevator (sana di na magtext boss ko na tuloy meeting naming mamya, oderwise, stuck ako dito hanggang 10pm.

Eto, dahil bored ako, may sasagutan na naman akong survey, pampalipas oras na naman, yey!

How well do you know me?For instance, did you know...Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. auditor
2. accountant
3. credit officer
4. AR office (ang predictable naman at ang boring ng mga jobs ko to date, puro related to accounting, dream job ko pala maging Chanteuse!)

Four nicknames I've been given:
1. Gagang -until now by my family and relatives and neighbors
2. Bebe – weird nickname from a teacher before, not so romatic haha. Hated it when she calls me like that before
3. Gracia – tawag ng aking barkada sa akin.
4. Grace – some friends still call me this name. (by the way, I’m Gracy to everyone who knew me since 1994 to present)…

Four places I have lived:
1. BSC valley
2. Heights
3. Sampaguita/ Kalayaan UP Dil
4. 1516B

Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Friends
2. Sex and the City
3. ???
4. ???

Four of my favorite foods:
1. manggang hilaw with bagoong
2. red chippy dipped in vinegar
3. grilled chicken
4. Sinigang

Four places I would rather be in right now:
1. Malaybalay
2. The place where I want to be in 07
3. The place where I want to be in 07
4. The place where I want to be in 07

ieeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww. Alas syete na, lalayas na ako,hehe. As if!!! di pa reply boss ko, waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I feel so useless today, as in wala akong nagawa.
Kanina pa ako dito sa office, 8:00 am, had a telecon earlier. After that, i answered some mails, prepared our "surprise bday treat" for Yen tapos Internet na.

Hay naku, nakaka guilty. Di able, mejo ginaganahan na ako, i still have 4 more hours para maging productive...

pero lately, eto talaga nararamdaman ko. ewan ko ba, im not that "workaholic" as i used to be. Pag may deadline, cram to the max ako pero pag wala, naku super lax. Tama pala si Ms. A, we are "dispensable". Maka-train na nga ng aking mga back-ups, hihihi.

Gracy, balik trabaho ka na!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shucks, ieeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww... ang artsssssss ko.......

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Just had my medicals done today, it was actually a breeze! Arrived there around 8:00 am, filled out some forms and was given a number (since I was early, I’m second in the queue). After paying 5,700 (3,200 for the meds, 2,500 for courier --- quite a rip-off since fed-ex only charged me 1,200 last March), I went to the motion of the medical examination --- physical, blood sample, urine sample, blood pressure and x-ray. After this, I was told that after a week, I could call them for the tracking number of the result (to be sent to LCU).

Now all I have to do is wait, wait and wait. Sana, tulad ako ni X who got her visa after 2 weeks at sana di ako matulad ni GJ na umabot ng 4 months ang pagaantay dahil hindi kaagad na confirm ang kanyang COE.

Lord, lam ko pinapakinggan mo lahat ng dasal ko… sana po tuloy tuloy na eto at sana po si Wombat din…

Tara, samahan mo ako sa aking pag-aantay…

Friday, August 04, 2006


First time kong…

…manood sa Globe Platinum sa Gateway (hindi yata sulit for me kasi konti lang nakain kong popcorn nun eh);
…kumuha ng magandang picture ni Oble (after spending 5 years sa UP, ni hindi ko man lang nakuhang magpapicture dun);
…pumunta sa Bohol (maganda pala dun, kaso parang bitin ako. Di kasi ako nakasama sa snorkelling nila kasi di ako makahinga nga maayos dun sa gear na napunta sa akin);
…kumain sa chocolate kiss, yung sa first floor (nakakain na rin ako dun sa 2nd floor, twice na din with my friends, pero sa first floor, minsan lang);
…manood ng concert ni Regine at Ogie (at nagmadali umuwi kasi may nakita akong di ko dapat makita,hahahaha);
…pumunta sa Jaime Velasquez park, mag stay dun ng matagal (as in hanggang madaling araw yata);
…mag Bay Walk na aabutin ng umaga (5 am, hehehe);
…mag simba sa Alimall (hehe ulit);

pag tinignan mo ulit ang listahan ko sa taas, baka sabihin mo na hindi naman out of this world ang mga entries ko, pero pagbigyan mo na ako, may rason ako kung bakit ko nilagay ko ang mga yan jan. Wala na lang pakialaman. ;-)

Baka nga may nakalimutan pa akong isulat eh, sa susunod na lang. :-)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

This post is for you

I may have said this a thousand times, but I still want to say it again: “Thank You”

… for being there last week-end;
… for coming over to our house at 6:30 am;
… for just letting me cry my frustrations (sometimes, after a very emotional and tiring day, its good to just let everything out and cry);
… for braving the rain, for waking up earlier than usual, for bringing the heaviest of my things (and all you got is a tsokolate and bibingka);
… for not giving up on me (tantrums and all);
… for trying your best to understand me;
… for believing in me;
… for being YOU.

Merci beaucoup, du fond de mon cÅ“ur…

Merci pour faire ressortir l'enfant dans moi...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Elevator Story

In my previous entry, I narrated my love-hate relationship with the elevator at our place and how it failed me twice already. Well, early this morning, I was glad to see that there’s a hint of light upon pressing the elevator’s button. When the door opened, I noticed the seemingly dark interiors of the car (do you call it a car or a shaft or whatever). As soon as the door closed, it became so dark inside! Oh my God, the lights are not functioning. Its really pitch dark inside and the elevator is creaking (since its really an old model, without the CLOSE button!!!). It was scary. Upon reaching the 7th floor, I went out as fast as I can and vowed to bring a flashlight the next time I go out of the house.

That’s my elevator story for the day. When I left the house this evening, it was working well, lights and all. Only then I realize that I forgot my flashlight.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

New Home

We finally moved out from 1516B, the place we lived and breathed for the past 3 years and a half. Now, my current address is 712 (7th Floor, Rm 12) where the elevator has a mind of its own and decides when to be of use to everyone and when to take a break (unfortunately for me, the elevator failed me twice already, once when we were moving my heaviest bag and earlier today when I have to go to bank).

My first night at 712 is not that eventful, I didn’t sleep well coz I think I am alone, haven’t been able to talk to my new housemate yet. First night and all alone!!! But I was not scared, just very conscious of my surrounding. Good thing my tv is working (yippee, thanks Wombat for making sure that I have an operational tv to keep me sane in my new place), I can now keep track of my favorite shows. Next project is to have my dvd player fixed so that I can watched my fave shows again, and of course to finally learn French, Belly Dancing, etc. etc.

My bed (sofa bed) is not so comfy. I have backaches in the morning. I don’t know when this will last (the sofa bed, I mean).

I’m reporting night shift the whole week so I’ll be able to assess how sleep friendly in the day is our new home (and if proven not, then I can only buy dark curtains to keep the light from coming in. Not much choice for me as I have 6 months til my contract ends).

I would like to thank my Wombat for helping me in moving my things, for being there for me everyday and for keeping me company even if it means having to brave the rain, waking up earlier than usual and going home late in the evening. I really appreciated all the effort. I know we’ll have limited time together after this, but its all for the best.

May sense ba ang post na eto? If wala, then forgive me. I’m doing this while busy preparing for closing and audit, hehehehe.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Moving On

Moving on
We are moving out of our house this weekend. Am I sad? Yes, coz it means having to say goodbye to the space I learned to love, the place where I cooked my “experimental dishes” to the delight of my roommates, and the place where everyone is free to move around. Am I happy? Yes, coz it means living in a new (cleaner) house, having no “contract” to think about and not feeling guilty when I have to move away (meaning, I won’t burden my roommates with the huge rental expense). From six beautiful ladies sharing a house (and the responsibilities that goes with it), we are now down to three. But for how long???

My application is now moving! THE email came last Tuesday. I need to undergo a physical examination soon. I hope the Doc will give me a clean bill of health so that I can move on with my application.

Just today, I came across the lyrics of Gabrielle’s Out of Reach. How fitting some lines of this song to my current state of mind.
"Out Of Reach"
Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
And now I feel like a fool
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
Catch myself
From despair
I could drown
If I stay here
Keeping busy everyday
I know I will be OK
But I was
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
So much hurt,
So much pain
Takes a while
To regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time,
You'll be out of my mind

And I'll be over you
But now I'm
So confused,
My heart's bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach,
So far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never
Meant to be
Out of reach,
So far
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There's a life out there
For me

And finally, not anymore related to Moving
It takes 14 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. But what about hugs, how many muscles do you need to flex your arms and envelope someone with it? Surely, not that much to cause you muscle pains after, right?

A friend of mine has a “daily hugging habit”. She makes it a point to hug 20 people everyday and it never fails to brighten up a gloomy day.

What I love about hugs is that it makes me feel secure and eases the worry, fear and all the negative feelings I have.

Oh crap, I need a hug today.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My New Glasses

Finally, I got my new glasses! After weeks of searching the perfect glasses for my face, I finally found THE one.

I know this is so “kikay”! But what the heck! I look good with it and it brightens my face. Downside is, its not meant for daily use (since I need to match it with my office clothes, you know).

Well, I still have my old but reliable rimless (and serious looking) glasses.

But if worse comes to worst, I can still wear my disposable contact lenses (hmm… can I buy one in pink shade???)...

Monday, July 17, 2006


My housemate-college buddy-groupmate bade me goodbye this morning before dragging her two big luggages inside the cab for the airport. As of writing (around11 am), she’ll probably be in Japan, trying hard not to fall asleep (since she didn’t sleep last night due to last minute packing) so as not to miss her connecting flight to Detroit (before catching yet another plane to her final destination – San Jose California).

It was a short goodbye; no tears were shed. Maybe it has not sunk in yet, or maybe we just don’t want to see each other crying.

Am I sad? Definitely. Joy’s leaving means no one's gonna tell me to use my head when I'm falling inlove with @$$h0**$; no one to join me watch Friends and laugh and laugh again even if we watch it over and over again; no one to share my excitement with; no one to borrow chick lit from. The list could go on and on.

What makes her departure doubly sad is that we need to move out from our apartment as well. We (X, Bam and I) cannot afford the monthly rental of our house anymore. :( It's another change from a big, roomy apartment to a small, kinda crowded condo.

I hope and pray that:
... she made it to her connecting flight (without hassle)
... her luggage is not that heavy
...Jong will pick her up in San jose and help her with her luggages
...she will like it in San Jose
...she will not miss home that much
...she will not let anyone bully her
...she will survive!!!

Joy, sail away! Fly High! Good Luck! God Bless! and see you soon. :-)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Its 3:29 am and I have not been that productive the whole day. Yes, I have submitted the month end requirements from HR, answered a few emails, updated some reports but these are not really substantial “work” for me. Well, I have an excuse --- today is not your usual Monday since today is the first day of the month. For us accounting geeks, first day (or first week for that matter) means closing time! And since I have until tomorrow to book all entries, most of us are in the waiting game now (excuses! excuses!).

Oh well, I can’t imagine what tomorrow will bring, when everyone is at home and I am stuck in the office working!!! Screw those closing deadlines!!!

Oh boy was I happy today! My bestfriend finally got his Letter from the Post, and guess what, his assessment is POSITIVE, yipeee!!! Now, he can actually move on and start a new phase of waiting (but this time around its waiting with excitement for a promising future). 2007 here we come!!!

My dear Wombat, don’t you think SweeBee was doubly happy when she got to finalized your papers? Me think she sped up the process so you won’t badger her any longer (joke). :-)

I am sad… last night when you put down the phone before I said my goodbyes;
I was hurt... when you said IT would make me happy;
I am mad… because you decided to sleep without saying you’re sorry.

When I had the best intention, it was also when you turned me down.
Are you trying to piss me off? If yes, then you succeeded. My Congratulations.

Lesson learned: Di na ulit ako tatawag. Di na ulit ako mangungumusta. Di na… Di na… Di na Bonnevie… (Ang corny ko!!!)

Friends Again
I can’t be mad at you forever. I just hope that you won’t try to do the I’ll-try-to-get-some-sleep-first-and-settle-with-you-in-the-morning attitude again coz I don’t want to sleep with a heavy heart. I hope you feel the same way too.

Would you believe I finished this entry after an hour? Its 4:53 am and I’m still bored. Whatever!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

antok ako :(

I only had 3 hours of sleep today.

My mom arrived from the province and I had to fetch her at the airport. She’s attending a seminar in Tagaytay tomorrow. Since she and her co-teacher don’t have plans for the day, I decided to bring them to Mall of Asia, my first time to be there actually.

At around 3:00 pm, I decided to go home and catch some sleep since I’ll be on graveyard shift today. I left my Mom at SM since she is still busy trying on some clothes.

I need to be at the office for our bi-weekly meeting so my sleep was cut short. And now I am feeling sleepy, been yawning several times now. The stillness of the place, devoid of chatters and laughter of the Team, is lulling me to sleep.

Its 3:56 am --- 2 hours and 4 minutes before I’ll rush to the exit door, sign out from the guard, walk as fast as I can to the bus stop (or is it jeepney stop/ tricycle stop?) so that I’ll be home at 6:05, hit the sack and sleep.

But before that, I still have some emails to send, websites to browse and blogs to update. :-)


A lot of things happened today, some may react to it negatively while others will be more open and optimistic about the impending changes. I am not yet sure how to react but I know this is a win-win situation for everyone. I want to be an optimist... I want to view this positively. I will post more of this later...

On a ligter side, my very good (best) friend sent me the lyrics of the song If You're Not the One and I was really touched... I do hope he understands why di pa talaga pwede...

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don't wannna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maime my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And Im praying you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tanong Lang

Bakit pag naiinis ka sinasabayan ng ibang tao ang inis mo?
Bakit pag sad ka, hindi eto nararamdaman ng ibang tao?
Siguro mas mabuti kung manahimik na lang ako…
Masyadong maraming tanong na di naman nasasagot. Nakakainis, nakakabagot.
Sana may “highlight” pa din ang araw ko ngayon kahit na kanina pa ako naiinis at nalulungkot.
O baka naman nasobrahan lang ako sa kain kaya na-depress ako bigla???

Ang natutunan ko ngayon: Nakakasakit sa tyan ko ang large na Fruitana Banana-Mango. Sabi ko na nga ba dapat medium na lang kinuha ko eh!

Uh Oh

Something’s bothering me, but I cannot exactly pinpoint what it is. But I know this has something to do with my work (and my team)…

There have been a lot of resignations lately and I don’t know if management is doing something about it. A newer company is out there, trying to lure good talents from Pecten (and we really are a bunch of talented people here).

I used to love what I am doing, “used to” being the operative word. I still work, but not with the same dedication I had before. I don’t know what happened. I felt so overworked and now I’m burnt out. I was hoping this would pass…

Something about the Team is also bothering me. I hope my instinct is wrong. I hate to see people move now; I don’t want to lose the Team…not yet.

I am also waiting for THE email request from you-know-who. I guess this is a better waiting than my friend (who is also nervy nowadays waiting for the Post to arrive!). Waiting sucks!

Oh crap, this is a very nega write-up.

Could someone cheer me up please?

(So glad I went to Bohol to unwind but the trip was so short! Hope to be back soon.)

Balicasag Island --- great for snorkeling

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I don’t feel well today and all because of a (slice of) mango cake from Red Ribbon. To celebrate our new shift (yipee, we are now part of the normal workers! To quote my office mate: “Hello Sunshine!), we decided to eat cake – mango, chocolate and ube. After eating, I forgot to drink water!

Morning after, my throat is acting up. And now it has evolved into a full-blown fever. Good thing I am on leave tomorrow (though I have a dental appointment to resume my root canal). Well, at least I have a 3-day respite from work.

At around 6:30pm today, I noticed a very good view of the sunset several workstations from mine. I hurriedly got my camera and shot my heart away.

The zoom here was maximized to the fullest. Camera set at Night Landsacape.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Usapang Ngipin

I finally went to my long-overdue-dental-visit for the finalization of my front tooth’s root canal. I have been putting this one off for the longest time, but last Saturday, I finally went with Yen to her dentist (its her last visit by the way) and had my tooth checked as well (pero I am very religious with my oral prophylaxis ha!)

And my tooth was cleaned. After carefully checking the x-ray film that was my tooth, the dentist concluded that I need to have 2 more sessions with her, ugh. That means putting off my plans of getting my teeth straightened (pa-braces ba!).

Right now, my tooth (or should I say the nerve) is aching. Maybe because it was touched by those really long, thin needles. I didn’t feel any pain last Saturday (or am I just immune to pain now?) pero ngayon, its kumikirot... Anyway, I hope the pain will go away (I am not very comfortable with taking pain-killers so I just hope and pray na mawala ang sakit). Sana matapos na ang root canal so that I can move on with my other “tooth plans”.

and a totally unrelated photo...

me, blowing the candle of my birthday cake...

Still some Sunday pix

A friend of mine accompanied me to my photo shoot last Sunday. He said he wanted to learn how to take good pictures as well.

Here are some of his best shots (syempre, ang subject walang iba kundi ako, hehe).

Oo na, I just wanted to post here some of my photos, hehe…

this is a cropped version of the original. Why cropped? because in the original, there's a tree right above my head... makes you think that it's an extension of me, hehe. I love the hair! :-)

nagpapakasenti sa Quezon Hall... black and white ang drama...

wala lang, gusto ko lang i-feature 'tong pix na 'to...

My first attempt

As promised, here are some pictures I took last weekend, when I went to UP. But silly me, I was using the camera Saturday night, just experimenting on some shots and deleting it afterwards, but I forgot to charge the already wasted battery. What happened was, in the middle of my photo shooting, the camera just went dead… kainis! I wasn’t able to take pictures of the cloud formations, of the beautiful trees, of people jogging… So much for the built-up excitement of finally using my Digital Photography book to good use. Well, there’s always a next time.

Some of the best shots I took (well, they are the best for me).

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Of Photographs and Photography

During my last birthday, my wish list included a digital photography book. And lucky me, I have friends who granted my wish and voila, I have my own book! I just need to put it to good use though…

It has been 2 weeks since I got the book, but I haven’t really took much pictures since then. I only have two to share, not really very impressive. The thing is, i want to improve my "craft"... from a point-and-click photo shot to a "professional-looking" one. Anyhow, here are my frist two attempts:

wala lang... close-up ng flower. :-)

my half eaten birthday cake... i like how the camera captured the moist that started to appear in the chocolate chips...
I am planning to have a phot-session weekend so i'll probably update this site real soon...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

First Post

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately. These blogs "encouraged" me to create one to document what is going on with my life. That's why the title.

So hop on and join me as I journey on with my life. :-)