Tuesday, November 14, 2006

exam jitters

Wombat's exam is scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday, and he confided to me yesterday that he suddenly felt the pressure. That is normal I suppose, after all the hardwork, the review classes and late-night studying, here you are feeling as if you haven't studied a single topic. But come exam day, all things you learned before will come rushing back again. I do hope you'll make it to the top, I believe in you. ;-)

A simple prayer for you, to help you get thru the 2-day exam...

O wise God, I pray that Wombat’s mind be rested, his body energized, and his spirit inspired for the exam he must take tomorrow.

Grant him peace and assurance so that he may do as best as he is able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with his fellow examinees and that he may be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how he feels.

May he be honest and insightful, and be able to give a true record of what he have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.

This I pray thru Christ our Lord Amen...

God Bless...

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