Thursday, June 08, 2006


I don’t feel well today and all because of a (slice of) mango cake from Red Ribbon. To celebrate our new shift (yipee, we are now part of the normal workers! To quote my office mate: “Hello Sunshine!), we decided to eat cake – mango, chocolate and ube. After eating, I forgot to drink water!

Morning after, my throat is acting up. And now it has evolved into a full-blown fever. Good thing I am on leave tomorrow (though I have a dental appointment to resume my root canal). Well, at least I have a 3-day respite from work.

At around 6:30pm today, I noticed a very good view of the sunset several workstations from mine. I hurriedly got my camera and shot my heart away.

The zoom here was maximized to the fullest. Camera set at Night Landsacape.

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