Saturday, July 01, 2006

antok ako :(

I only had 3 hours of sleep today.

My mom arrived from the province and I had to fetch her at the airport. She’s attending a seminar in Tagaytay tomorrow. Since she and her co-teacher don’t have plans for the day, I decided to bring them to Mall of Asia, my first time to be there actually.

At around 3:00 pm, I decided to go home and catch some sleep since I’ll be on graveyard shift today. I left my Mom at SM since she is still busy trying on some clothes.

I need to be at the office for our bi-weekly meeting so my sleep was cut short. And now I am feeling sleepy, been yawning several times now. The stillness of the place, devoid of chatters and laughter of the Team, is lulling me to sleep.

Its 3:56 am --- 2 hours and 4 minutes before I’ll rush to the exit door, sign out from the guard, walk as fast as I can to the bus stop (or is it jeepney stop/ tricycle stop?) so that I’ll be home at 6:05, hit the sack and sleep.

But before that, I still have some emails to send, websites to browse and blogs to update. :-)

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