Friday, July 23, 2010

Snoring and Dreaming

Hubby told me that recently, he woke up twice to hear me snore. But because he was too lazy ro record my snoring, I couldn't hear it for myself. But needless to say, I was so embarrassed and petrified at the same time. I , being a light sleeper, always nudge hubby to turn sideways whenever he's off to dreamland and I am just starting mine. And to be told that I snore is news to me. Maybe I am just too tired or maybe I am really getting fat, ieewww. Either way, I need to start my cardio exercise ASAP! Walking around the neighborhood is a good start, and of course make use of my WII games --- Just Dance, Wii Fit, Trainer. Might even get into the Zumba craze.

The good thing about snoring is knowing that I really had a good night sleep. Last night, I even dreamt about shopping at Giordano (I don't know why coz I don't shop at Giordano but you can always find me at Esprit) and ended up not getting the goods because I don't have cash with me. And that I need to wake up from my shopping-dream because I know I am only dreaming! Uh, oh, I think Inception and Leonardo is still with me when I dozed (and snored) off.

Now back to reality.

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