Thursday, October 22, 2009

random things

Tomorrow afternoon is my cpa exam, finally! This is my third and 3 more to go before I can be a full-fledged CPA.

Today (or tonight), Agers will be home after 18 days in NZ. He'll spend the weekend here and will fly back on Monday for another 2 weeks. I wish I can go with him but because my passport will expire in January (and getting a new one is too complicated for now), I cannot. Hopefully, we'll be back there together not for work but for a REAL holiday.

My solicitor gave me a call that settlement will be on Monday and I can get the keys after! Oh my, I can't believe we are almost there. I've also scheduled the final inspection on Saturday. :-)

On Sunday, it'll be Elijah's christening and Agers is the Ninong this time. Can't wait to catch up with my North Shore mates....

December is almost here and I can't wait what's instore for me in the last two months of the year. 2009 so far has been so good to me, i'm very thankful!...

(Agers is here na, hahahaha, will try to update this later)....

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