Monday, October 12, 2009

New CityRail Timetable

its the first day of the new train time table and i am not liking it! first, they removed my 7:18 train from Meadowbank to Epping, so I need to catch the later one at 7:28. Then, my waiting time at Epping is 10 mins!!! And Platform 6 is way too crowded today despite it being a school holiday. I don't know how congested it would be come Monday. From a previous travel time of 18 mins, my morning train ride is now 26 mins. :(

Going home is even worst! They changed the time 8 minutes early than the normal one! There's no way I can catch the 4:37 train, unless I leave the ofc at 4:25!!! Next train comes at 4:52 but the connection is better I guess. It allows me almost 3 minutes to change platform....but still, I want my old train schedule back!!!

God help us commuters on Monday when the school reopens again.

my cpa exam is coming up. it'll be on the 23rd of Oct. After my exam, there's so much more to do... im excited!!!

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