Sunday, March 11, 2007

63 days

Haven't posted any of my recent stories here, our internet is soooooo slow. We used up our allotted Gigs due to heavy download in Feb. We'll have faster connection next week, yippee.

Anyway, just a run down of what i've been up to:
1. started my new job last Tuesday;
2. Called my Agent last Wednesday saying I dont like the job
3. Went to Uni for my tax subject;
4. Requested by client to stay in the job until i get another job (planning to stay only on or before 16 Mar, with or without a job,hehe); and
5. WOMBATS GOT A VISA NA, yipeeeeeee.

Can't wait to see him here... 63 days to go... [big grin on Gracy's face,hehe]....

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