Sunday, April 04, 2010

St Barachiel my guardian angel, thanks for protecting me

I am normally alert and conscious of my surrounding, especially when walking alone. But tonight was different, I was on my mobile talking to Tanya when I got off at Toongabbie. Its already dark even if it's still 6:30 because we just finished DST and our time moved back an hour.

While walking, I didn't pay attention to where I was going and didn't realized that I was on the 'darker' side of the road. Still on the phone, I heard somebody following me but I thought it was just another commuter going home somewhere in my street. Then I heard someone shouted but I didn't mind them. I was clutching my handbag when suddenly someone tried to grab it from behind! I was sooo shock that I shouted then tried to look from behind me if someone else is there and surveyed where I should run and shout for help. Then I look at the would-be thief and realized he's a young bloke, maybe 10 or 12 years old. He is hesitating to come back or run... So I shouted at him "Are you trying to grab my bag??? I will report you to Triple 0!"

Then I pretended to call "000" on my mobile and shouted loud enough for the boy to hear. "Someone's trying to grab my bag. He is running towards Portico St. He stopped in the corner of Cecilia and Portico." When he realized I was talking to someone on the phone and gave away his location, he run under the bridge to the other side of the station.

During this time, Agie was calling me and I answered but at the same time I was shouting. He heard everything and he was sooo scared for me. He's mind was racing, thinking of the worst. When I was sure that the Boy was gone, I talked to him and recounted what happened.

I was sooo scared... but at the same time thankful for my Guardian Angel. St Barachiel, you saved me. I should have known better. I should have walked along the shops, where the street lights are and where there are a lot of people walking.

As soon as I arrived home, I told my parents what happened. Then we ate dinner. Then I talked to Agie again (he is still in the City visiting a Boholano admitted in the hospital). I am still scared but very much thankful that nothing bad had happened to me.

And this is my easter story... hope you had a better one. =)


Pam said...

thank God you are safe home..keep safe po.

ckayen said...

hi Gracy,
Am at peace to know you are safe. What an Easter it was! Take care!

Gracy said...

Thanks Pam and Yen! Okay na ako now, I think mas natakot ang bata kesa sa akin, hehehe.