Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Annoying or what

i was browsing my favorite online forum vogue and chanced upon this thread (http://forums.vogue.com.au/showthread.php?t=358137) about house etiquette. I was thinking to myself that I can be very anal when it comes to my place and maybe my housemates hated me for this? Good thing I married Agie because we think alike, altough he is worse than me, hehehe.

Some things I can leave with, but others I cannot --- specially dirty dishes because they attract cockroaches, which I really hate and I do not want to live with them! Apologies to my ex-housemates if I was such a Nazi when we were living together. =)

On another note, I found this hilarious site - PassiveAggressivenotes.com - I can't wait to submit my entry on this. Will start to look for passive-aggressive notes from now on. (Im laughing non-stop at the office

1 comment:

Ckayen said...

gracy..................i could relate to these annoying stuffs...hahhahaa..I should get an apartment of my own...