Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pregnancy Update: My 20th Week

How time flies, I am already in my 20th week of pregnancy. Halfway there but to quote my officemates  - "you still have to battle Summer". Haaay, I hope its not as hot as the one before but judging how spring is becoming, I don't think I will be lucky. One thing for sure, our portable airconditioner will be maximized to its full capacity LOL.

My updates for the week:
  • Felt my Baby moved!!! The feeling is unexplainable --- weird but overwhelming at the same time. I now look forward to feeling each movement happen everyday. =)
  • Had my second hospital visit and was told I gained 1 kg since last month --- a very good weight gain, yahoo!
  • Baby is reacting in my tummy everytime I play Celine Dion's Lullaby. Very funny!
  • I am still in search for our Baby's name --- need to get a name that starts with A and G.
Also, Tanya finally announced to everyone that she is preggy  --- 14 weeks, hahaha. I have a feeling we'll give birth simultaneously. Can't wait to see hear and exchange our pregnancy stories.

I will close this post with my 20th week photo taken just this morning. Sideview para makita ang bump. =)

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