Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday is Smoothie Day

We went to the supermarket today and I saw that strawberry's were on sale at 2 punnets for $5. I grabbed a few, some mandarines, celery, carrots and apple for Agie's weekly celery juice (good for lowering cholesterol). And being pregnant, I bought a tub of yoghurt for my calcium needs (I don't like milk so I need to look for other sources of calcium!).

As soon as we got home, I noticed the big book of juices on our table. I skimmed through it and found a very refreshing recipe for a smoothie. Basically, it just list ingredients and you put in in your blender, after a few seconds (or couple of minutes), your smoothie is ready!

So for today, the Celery juice took a back seat as I made my Strawberry smoothie (finally, I can use my blender which has been gathering dust in the cupboard).


and after

The result? really yummy and filling! I can't wait to try the other combinations in the book!!!

Now, off to do the celery juice. =)

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