Monday, June 21, 2010

Another two done!

Yey, my wait is over. Got my CPA results last Friday and I barely passed my Strategic Management subject. I was so depressed after the exam because it was so tricky!!! The materials were very easy to read, and I think I only spent a week or two studying because I knew what was being discussed (or so I thought). But come exam time, I think I got confused with the choices and did a process of elimination when answering. This was the only CPA exam that I couldn't find the answers from the materials. My only consolation was most of the people I knew who took the exam also found it difficult.

And when I got my result last Friday, I was ecstatic! Finally, I can move on and forget about it, haha. One more subject to go and I'm done with my CPA. Global Strategy and Leadership - Bring it On!

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