Saturday, October 27, 2012

8 months

Dear Abie,

Eight months. Where did time go?

You are getting bigger and bigger each day. Your laughter brings tears to our eyes; you're a character you little one.

'Dad, da, da, da, dy, Dad Dy'.
High pitched laughter.
Baby Einstein Baby Newton's 'Shapes' song and you singing along with it.
Sing-along with Dad at night time.
Size 1 clothes.
Passport photo. Lots if it.
Discovering your shadows.
Playing on your own for 30 mins in the morning before waking up Mum or Dad.

These are just some of your milestones Anak. You are one smart baby, and I'm pretty sure you'll grow to be a smart lady.

Your tight hugs are so precious, your cute little smiles heartwarming. You know how to do 'beautiful eyes' and your 'kisses' are the sweetest. Anything you do we are in awe, for you are our world.

Soon, you'll start crawling,walking and running. Then you'll want your own space. One day, we know that would come (as much as we dread it). But for now, we'll cherish the moments you're in our arms.

Let's continue to create wonderful memories our Arabella, and do remember, we love you to the moon and back.

Tight hug and a thousand kisses,
Mum and Dad

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Passport photo

I literally have hundreds of shots of these. Haaaay, should have taken a photo when she was less mobile, would have been so much easier.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cheeky little girl

She just woke up from her afternoon nap and gave me this sweetest, cheekiest face! Oh Abie, how I love thee.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Observant Chy

Since it was school holidays last week, Chy spent a day with us. It was a breath of fresh air being able to have a two-way conversation with a grade schooler. Chy, being her usual observant self, made a few comments that literally made me LOL!

While dressing up Abie after her bath
Chy: why is her butt and body dark but her face is white? (Bisto ang pagkaitom sa akong Anak!).

Checking out my screensaver of Abie doing her tummy time at 3 months old
Chy: what happened to her here? Was she sick? (Malnourish ug eye-baggin pa man intawon si Abie before)

While breastfeeding Abie
Chy: Ang laki ng tummy nya, taba taba! Ikaw din, big din tummy mo but smaller na compared to before. (Kinahanglan nako mag sit ups again!)

While cleaning Abie after she pooped
Me: Chy, can you grab some toilet paper for me please!
Chy: ieeeewwww she pooped?
Me: You don't have to look.
Chy: ieeeewwww I don't wanna be a Mum, I don't want to clean a dirty baby!
Me: But you want a baby brother or sister right?
Chy: Oh, Mama can clean the baby.

Thanks for staying with us Chy, Abie enjoyed her day and so did I.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Does a seven month old baby needs all these?

And she's becoming a Shoeaholic too! Tsk tsk tsk.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Seven months


Our Dear Arabella,

Seven months ago, you came to this world. And since then, you've turned our world upside down, and we mean this in a good way.

Today, you went with Mom for an office visit. You were your bubbly, sociable self once again. Even if you didn't have your morning nap, you never got cranky. You really are a people pleaser and you love to be the centre of attention. How we love that trait of yours Anak.

You finally cut your second tooth, you are starting to back crawl, you stand (assisted) for a few seconds and you just babble to your hearts content!

We think you are starting to develop separation anxiety specially when you're alone with Mom. You just want to be held, otherwise you'll cry. As long as you can see your Mommy, you are calm but once she's out of your sight you start to scream bloody murder! We know this is part of your mental development so we are not too fussed about this.

You are eating solids now and your favorite food is sweet potato;
You don't like prune juice but you get constipated so you have to drink it;
You still love your playtime with Daddy and you really look forward to it;
You finally do the 'milk sign' but only when you are already drinking milk! Hehe

We still can't get enough of you little one, we love to give you cuddles, we love to smell you (and your stinky feet!), and we love everything about you.

Thanks for being a good girl Arabella. You make your Mommy and Daddy so proud.

Love you to the moon and back.

Lots of hugs and a million kisses,
Mommy and Daddy