Sunday, January 27, 2013

11 months

You're a big girl now our dear Arabella.

In a month's time you'll be a year old! Everyday, Dad and I are still amazed with your antics, your cheekiness, your free spirited shrieks and your bawling cries, your blabbering and your mimicking. Everything you do and all of you, we are in awe.

We love you Anak, happy 11 months!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Saving for Abie's future

I wanted to open an account for Abie from the time she was born and only did it last Tuesday! The original plan was to deposit all the money she received from her baptism as a start up for her fund and for us to transfer a monthly amount to the account. It didn't happen because 1) I was too lazy to go to the bank and 2) I've spent her gifts to buy her some essential things.

To start the year 2013 right, I checked the youth saver account online and realized that I can open it without visiting any branch! That sold me to Commonwealth even though the rates are much lower than Westpac or Bankwest (I think Bankwest have the highest rate). The convenience of doing everything at the comfort of my home, with just a few clicks (or taps for that matter), and at any time I want made the interest rate secondary. I will revisit the rates when the fund is big enough to earn substantial interest, but for now this will do.

Beauty fund, school fund, dental fund --- she can do whatever she wants with her money when the right time comes. I can't wait to teach her the value of money saving and investing.

From little things big things grow...

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Yes, that's what the Childcare teacher calls my baby. She laughs, squeals and claps her hands as soon as she sees them and when I pick her up, she cries a little bit, hug me tight and starts squealing again. I miss her, my Arabella.

Anyway, I am busy arranging for her first birthday party --- searching the net for ideas, decors, give aways etc etc. Good thing I don't have access yet to our system so I have the whole day to do the planning and not get too bored here.

Seven weeks to go til the BIG party for the little one, can't wait!

Monday, January 07, 2013

First Day High...not!

Today is my first day back
At work after 10 months of maternity leave. So what greeted me here: new faces, no allocated workstation and no system access because they deleted mine! Lovely!!!

I hope I'll get my access back tomorrow so I can start working and building my SAP favorites once again. :(

And did I mention I miss my baby girl? Can't wait for 4 pm so I can get my bread and be done for the day.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

Our humble NYE's spread - pancit, roast beef with chips, teriyaki fish, sticky rice, fruits and wine!

Cheers for the coming year!

(No family photo because the little one is sound asleep!!!)